South Africa’s Silent Disease

Your bones matter. That’s the message at the heart of a new campaign aimed at reducing the burden of osteoporosis in South Africa.

Called “the silent disease,” osteoporosis is a debilitating disease that deteriorates bone tissue, making bones weaker and more likely to break. It often progresses undetected for years until it finally results in a fracture – typically in the spine, hip or wrist.

Osteoporosis affects almost 2 million people across South Africa.

Your Bones Matter

Given the disease’s risks and impact, the National Osteoporosis Foundation of South Africa and the Global Alliance for Patient Access teamed up for a national campaign to encourage diagnosis and treatment.

There is no cure for osteoporosis, but a number of treatments and potential preventive measures can improve outcomes for patients. The campaign encourages:

Early Diagnosis and Screening: Early diagnosis is an important first step to ensure the best possible treatment options. Screening for a patient’s bone density can be fundamental to an osteoporosis diagnosis. Yet the number of patients in South Africa who get these screenings has been decreasing since 2017.

Access to Treatment: Timely treatment is important to ensure the best results and decrease the chances of life-altering fractures. Medications, however, are becoming more expensive as out-of-pocket costs for patients grow and reimbursement rates decline.

Supporting Patients and Caregivers: The role of patient caregiver often falls to family and friends, rather than to health care professionals. The potential for emotional, physical and financial stress is high. Proper support for patients, and those that care for them, is important.

With early diagnosis and a well-established treatment plan, South Africa could prevent about 70% of osteoporotic fractures. These improvements could help patients live longer and more fulfilling lives.

With this goal in mind, patients, advocates, clinicians, policymakers and other stakeholders are raising awareness about the needs of osteoporosis patients in South Africa. To get involved or learn more about the Your Bones Matter campaign, explore campaign’s resources here.